Ok, I must be sucking at this. Nobody is talking to me, so I'm sad. Aside from that if it wasn't for the creative bloggers out there ( Ms. Beverly @PS and Ms. Kathleen @ WW) I might not have too much to talk about. My pictures are terrible, I don't know much about adding gadgets to my blog so my look is too simple, nothing spectacular (unlike The Feathered Nest) I want to be like Theresa From Vintage Garden Antiques when I grow up. I want a cult with FOLLOWERS. That is a joke around my house. I celebrate every follower I get out loud, so the other day my brother overheard the word followers and ask me if I was starting a cult. Then again be careful what you wished for. I came home to 39 comments some weeks ago and figure out there was not a humanly possible way to visit and leave comments to every one and that makes me feel sad. I read all my comments and will love to have the time to reply, but I simply don't have the time. Most of my post are finished around midnight and my husband is not understanding what is the deal with blogging. Anyway all this blah, blah is about me trying to figure out the blogging thing. It supposed to be fun, so we will see. To the friends that have stopped by THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Blessings, Marta.