No pretty pictures, nothing today, just bad news. I have been feeling sick, for a long time now. I get this shooting headaches, blurry vision, shortness of breath, dizziness, you name it. I keep postponing going to the doctor because getting busy usually will take the edge of the pain or discomfort. So I will get busy a lot and will ignore what my body was trying to tell me. This morning I was schedule for a pap smear. I got up this morning feeling the usual stuff I describe before. I thought maybe if a mention to the doctor she can do a quick physical or something. Well, I didn't have to explain anything, when they took my blood pressure it was thru the sky high. The first words out of her mouth were "I'm diagnosing you with hypertension and I prescribing medication to start today. Then they took a blood sample looking for diabetes. That came back within normal limits the only thing is that I was not fasting, so I have to go back on Monday for more labs and back to her in 2 weeks. I will have to buy a blood pressure machine and keep a journal and the most crushing thing, NO SALT. I wanted to die, if she only knew that this been going on since forever. I kind of knew too. I haven't felt this sick in years. All I can think was "No more kettle chips" is that sick or what. No, seriously. I know this have been brought by overeating and the lack of real exercise. This have been a struggle all my life but now as I grow older my body is just telling me no more. I kind of thank God for the chance. I could have found out after a heart attack. I hope this is just the only damage. I will have to change my lifestyle that is for sure. I just what to change this negative into a positive by trying my hardest to improve upon what I know I have been doing wrong. Please help my pray for grace, strength, self-discipline and God's character in my life. I don't want to just be alive, I want quality of life too. Thanks and blessings to you all,Marta.