Well friends, I feel like gone are the days of the all pink shabby chic. Shabby chic have changed, my pinks don't sell as much, the china, quilts, prints and fabrics full of roses don't sell as much either. I still carry the look in the shop but at the expense of using that space in something that will sell better. Don't get me wrong, the shabby chicks of the world are still out there. I was one before Rachel Ashwell, I will be one forever, but styles as life don't stay still, there is always the next fab. I can get enough merchandise this days in cream and taupes mixed with blacks and browns. Rust is still in, garden stuff, letters, numbers, sepia, ephemera and altered art is nothing but the rage. I sell music sheets like there is no tomorrow. I can't pass up anything in pink, just for me. I want the stuff around me, I always will. So, not a lot of pictures of pink in the shop. Only two rooms opposed to almost the hole store. Shop owners and buyers let me know how pink shabby chic does for you around your area.
I will wear it out in a heartbeat.
I want to thank Ms Beverly @ htpp://howsweetthesound.blogspot.com for hosting PINK SATURDAY. Thanks to all the sweet pink friends for all your kind comments. You all mean a lot to me and inspire me. Blessings, Marta.
PD Hey friends, it's Saturday morning and I'm supposed to be at work. I just wanted to let you know that I have been crafting and making some really cool stuff. I will take pictures today and post tomorrow. Bunnies, nest and pink stuff of course. I think you will love it all. So visit with me tomorrow